Overall Top 3

Bekiffter 15419
Vitalya_Pudge 12465
Dylanbroo 10491

CTF Attackers Top 3

jul 7533
iron 9262
xtreme 6731

CTF Defenders Top 3

Nitro^ 8003
DVNO 10476
cfg 5573

CTF Most Covers

Grim.fr 14

Most Kills

x4.`unreal 487

Most Time Playing

‹-eMpiReZz-› 10.73hrs

Overall Top 3


CTF Attackers Top 3


CTF Defenders Top 3


CTF Most Covers


Most Kills


Most Time Playing



How are the category rankings calculated?

All categories require a total amount of at least 30 minutes played per player in order to be ranked in.

New badge behaviour: To give more people the chance on a badge, already badged players (in the order of the above categorys) will be ignored and the first person without a badge will receive it.

Points are calculated the same way they are with UTStats, and are divided by respective gametime.

Overall Top 3

The best overall players of the last 24hrs.

Attackers Top 3

The average best offensive Capture the Flag players of the last 24hrs. The following events are considered in the calculations : Captures, Assists, Grabs, Pickups.

Defenders Top 3

The average best defensive Capture the Flag players of the last 24hrs. The following events are considered in the calculations : Flagkills, Flagreturns, Seals.

Most Covers

The badge for the best Flag Carrier supporter.

Most Kills

This deadly badge honors the best Fragger.

Most Time Playing

One of the most honorable icons, as it indicates the player who spent the most time playing on the public server.

*These icons will be displayed next to the player names on the SmartCTF scoreboard of our UT99 server.