Last Achievements Unlocked
Achievement Player Time
Flag Snatcher I xtreme 16/04/24 16:21
Flag Snatcher I jul 16/04/24 16:21
Deft Defender I ‹{xan}›Baros 16/04/24 16:19
Deft Defender I medor 16/04/24 16:18
Flag Snatcher I vodK 25/03/24 19:01
Deft Defender I vodK 25/03/24 19:01
Deft Defender I Nitro^ 18/03/24 12:43
Flag Snatcher I medor 18/03/24 12:43
Deft Defender I ‹-eMpiReZz-› 15/03/24 00:30
Flag Snatcher I ‹-eMpiReZz-› 14/03/24 23:21


What are the achievements ?

The Achievements are just fun, challenging or event-based unlockables that you can claim by playing on the iCTF Public Server.

Some of them can be unlocked by performing a specific set of actions during a single game (kills, efficiency, accuracy, sprees...), or by cumulating a certain amount of points (ctf related actions, kills, time played, etc.) until reaching the conditions after several games.

They are ranked by their difficulty of acquisition and some of them are even secret.

There are also event-based achievements that can only be unlocked if you play during a certain time of the year, so stay tuned if you want to collect them all !


You can check the achievements you collected and the ones you haven't unclocked yet in your player's page.

Achievements can be mysterious, but most of them will clearly describe what you need to do to unlock them.

You will notice that some of the achievements you haven't unlocked yet have a progress bar, so you know if you are close to unlocking them


Typically event-based achievements
Not too hard to get
You'll have to invest yourself
Only for the bests !